Cog Yang
Cog Yin
Theme Maker SPA.
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Theme Maker SPA.

Theme Maker


A single-page web app ported from the Theme Maker on Zimo Web.

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May 31, 2024

Theme Maker Single-Page App

Theme Maker SPA is the single-page app (SPA) version of the Theme Maker tool from Zimo Web. Theme Maker is a creative tool that allows extensive customization of webpage themes. Recognizing its independent nature, I forked the Zimo Web code and extracted the components that power the Theme Maker, including the theme and settings frameworks, to create a standalone SPA. This SPA can run locally using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Functionally, the SPA operates identically to the original Theme Maker, but it benefits from fewer limitations, such as virtually unlimited theme profiles and a larger editing window. Additionally, the SPA is unofficially hosted as a static website. To streamline updates, I developed two scripts that automate the process of building the static site from the codebase and uploading it to GitHub and the hosting server.