Cog Yang
Cog Yin
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Spawn Overlay


A fork from MiniHUD mod that provides better monster spawning overlay indicator.

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Dec 10, 2022

Spawn Overlay

This mod is created as a fork of the MiniHUD mod. It only runs in 1.19. The mod provides a more trusted mob spawning indicator for a certain nether biomes, including Basalt Deltas and Warped Forest. This mod is created to assist placing spawnproof blocks in the Nether for some Wither Skeleton farms.

MiniHUD itself depends solely on light level to determine if monsters will spawn in a certain spot. In reality other factors like space, the type of mob to be spawned, and biome would affect the spawning as well. This mod provides a better indicator for specific scenarios like magma cubes whose spawning is fairly demanding in space.

This mod is designed specifically for building a Wither Skeleton farm. It enhances the original MiniHUD mod by providing more accurate information on monster spawning conditions. While the modification is much needed to improve the overall functionality of MiniHUD, time constraints prevented the full realization of this idea.