Cog Yang
Cog Yin
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A LaTeX document class that provides a quality-of-life notetaking template.

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Jul 3, 2023


NoTeX is a versatile LaTeX template and document class developed by repurposing RossTeX into a general-purpose note-taking tool. It offers more customization options and greater flexibility. RossTeX has been retroactively included as an option within NoTeX due to the significant overlap in their codebases.


notex.cls defines a series of behavior based on the amsart class.

  • Sections, Subsections, and Subsubsections are now Chapters, Modules, and Topics.
    • They can be customized using \headertitle{}, \subheadertitle{}, and \subsubheadertitle{}.
  • Builtin environment for Problem, Theorem, Lemma, Corollary, Definition, and more.
    • The custom environment allows custom options for theorem title, color, and more.
  • Revamped proof environment to use a box similar to theorem and lemma. The old proof environment provided by amsart can be accessed by legacyproof.
  • \title is not necessarily defined. Instead, a variable named lecture gives you the option to directly input the information of the lecture. The title will then be automatically formulated as Lecture #{lecture}.
  • Provides some shortcut to mathematical environments like \floor{}.
  • Try out \NoTeX and \RossTeX!
  • Has an extra option named rosstex.
    • Activated using \documentclass[rosstex]{notex}.
      • \lecture will now denote the number of the problem set, making the title Problem Set #{}. Additionally, \psetnum command will be available as an alias to \lecture.
    • Redefines Sections to Problems.
    • Redefines Subsections and Subsubsections resembling those in amsart class.
    • Has an optional Ross Program logo enabled using \enablerosslogo.