Understanding Website Settings

Sep 20, 2024

This page explains the settings of Zimo Web.

Zimo Web provides a range of customization through its settings system. This page explains the detailed functionality of every setting.

Global Settings

Global settings are applied to all pages and can be accessed from the settings panel on any page.

  • Sync settings: This enables the synchronization of settings across various devices. For this feature to work, the user must be logged into an account. Any changes made to the settings are uploaded to the user's account data, and these changes are downloaded and applied when the user refreshes the page or logs in again. If this setting is disabled, the settings on the current device will remain unaffected by the user's account data, regardless of the login status. By default, this setting is enabled when a user first visits Zimo Web. However, using the Restore Settings to Default button at the bottom of the settings panel will not reset this particular setting.
  • Theme preset: This setting allows the user to pick a preset theme they want to use. Each page has its own theme configuration, and the user can only change the theme palette of the page they are currently in. On top of the default themes, more diverse themes are added through updates.
  • Theme profile: This setting allows the user to pick a theme profile created through the Theme Maker. It applies equivalent effects as the preset themes.
  • Background richness: This setting adjusts the complexity of the page's background animation. There are three options: minimal, reduced, and rich. Rich, the default option, offers the most elaborate animations and objects, but it might cost performance and memory usage. The reduced setting provides a compromise for performance; it disables all animated objects while keeping the static backgrounds intact. The minimal setting retains only the gradient color background. The effect of this setting varies depending on the page's background.
  • Navigation bar: This toggles the visibility of the navigation bar, offering three options: disabled, always-on, and flexible. Flexible, the default setting, adjusts the navigation bar's visibility based on the user's scrolling behavior. The always-on option keeps the navigation bar permanently visible, while the disabled option hides it, leaving only the settings panel button visible.
  • Notification style: This setting adjusts the way the notifications of Zimo Web are displayed. There are three options: disabled, toast, and banner. Setting this entry to disabled simply disables the notification. Toast will make the notifications appear like a toast message near the bottom of the screen. Banner will make the notifications behave like banners popping from the screen's top. It is set to banner by default.
  • Disable comments: This setting hides the comments section site-wide, preventing users from posting or viewing comments. It is turned off by default.
  • Disable floating windows: This setting disables all floating windows in Zimo Web. It is turned off by default.
  • Disable gestures: This disables specific control gestures. For instance, with this setting enabled, the image viewer on album and project pages will no longer respond to trackpad or touchscreen gestures. It is turned off by default.

Page-Specific Settings

These settings apply only to specific pages and can be accessed on those pages. In some cases, additional buttons may be available to toggle these settings.

Album Page

  • Gallery mode: Turning this on displays all photos from every entry on the main page, rendering the individual entries inaccessible via image clicks. A pill-shaped button on the main page also toggles this setting. It is turned off by default.
  • Disable entry pop-up: When enabled, this setting bypasses the pop-up window for entries on desktop screens, redirecting straight to the page instead. This setting also applies to the projects page. It is turned off by default.

Blog Page

  • Disable serif font: This switches the font style in blog articles from serif to sans-serif. It is turned off by default.
  • Show search result instantly: This setting, if turned on, disables the animation when user uses the search function and instead shows up the search result instantly. It is turned off by default.
  • Disable table of contents: This setting disables the table of contents that is seen in the articles to help navigate through sections. It is turned off by default.

Projects Page

  • Disable entry pop-up: This is the same setting as found in the Album Page.

Management Page

  • Show search result instantly: This is the same setting as found in the Blog Page.
  • Disable table of contents: This is the same setting as found in the Blog Page.

Theme Maker Page

  • Hide color lookup panel: This setting controls whether the color lookup panel of the Theme Maker window is hidden. It is turned off by default. This setting has no effect on the color lookup panel in narrower/mobile screens. A button in the sidebar of the Theme Maker window that controls the same setting is also available.
  • Expand to fullscreen: This setting controls whether the Theme Maker window is expanded to fullscreen. It is turned off by default. Additionally, a button in the Theme Maker window also controls the same setting.
  • Optimize profile export: This setting controls whether the exported profile will be optimized in file size. The optimization process involves removing some data in the theme profile that is kept in the Theme Maker but is not used in the rendering. While the rendered appearance of the theme remains the same, some information that is preserved upon switching gradient or favicon mode is trimmed in the process. It is turned off by default. Clicking the theme export button while the shift key is pressed will also result in an optimized export.
  • Allow extended gradient: This setting controls whether the gradient stops editing bar in the Widget and Backdrop section of the theme maker will have its range extended. By default, the range of the stop pins is between 0 and 100. When this setting is enabled, the range is extended to between -300 and 400. Note that this setting has no effect on the favicon gradient stops. It is turned off by default.
  • Enable color interpolation method: This setting controls whether the gradient color interpolation method editor will be available. This is an experimental feature utilizing the latest web technologies and is suggested for testing use. It is turned off by default.

Theme-Specific Settings

These settings only appear when the user chooses a certain theme or theme profiles that uses a certain animated background to provide more customized configuration for specific themes.

  • Disable center art: This removes the artwork from the center of the blog page's default theme's background. It is turned off by default.
  • Floating code rate: This adjusts the floating rate of the code animation exclusive to the animated background of the projects page's default theme, with five preset rates available. Setting the rate excessively high may impact performance, as indicated by a warning text. The default setting is normal.
  • Birthday balloon rate: This adjusts the rate of the birthday balloon animation exclusive to the birthday theme animated background, with four preset rates available. Setting the rate excessively high may impact performance, as indicated by a warning text. The default setting is normal.
  • Spinning intensity: This adjusts the rate at which the golden sphere animation runs in the gold theme. Setting this option to gentle indicates that the animation will perform at a low intensity, akin to a soft and gentle motion. Steady, the next level, operates the animation at a consistent and moderate pace. Dynamic, offers a lively and engaging speed, becoming the default value. Choosing vibrant will make the sphere spin with more energy and speed, and blazing is the most intense setting, causing the sphere to rotate rapidly, creating a dynamic visual effect.
  • Disable sound effect: This disables sound effects used by the Halloween theme's animated background. This setting is exclusive to the Halloween theme. It is turned off by default.