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The Strider’s Monologue

Look what I've become.
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4 min read · Aug 4, 2023


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The tempest has ravaged through this wretched land, yet in its wrathful wake, it has purged the haunting smog that held our world hostage for an eternity – a fearsome force, contending with the unseen scourge. A fist of destruction, yet a combatant against the unseen bane. Our domain stands raw and renewed, and so arrives the commencement the long pilgrimage ahead. Why, after the countless pains, do I trod this path? A fleeting respite from the unspeakable reality, a path to keep the traveler awake to the world that envelops his dried soul. A realm of towering peaks and abyssal trenches; woodlands and meadows interlace in the whisper of the untold tales, a plateau bedecked in lavender blooms. My aspiration lies high amongst the clouds, within the castles that belong to nowhere; beyond the veil of the mundane lies an endless panorama of awe, an infinite tapestry of marvel.

The sun makes its grand descent in the western sky, its golden chariot casting shadows that stretch – the path I shall tread. And thus each stride I take propels me into a new tomorrow, a novel realm. At times, it is the valley, cupping the final rays of sunlight in its soft hollow; at others, the ridge, embracing the whispering zephyr of the highlands. I wander further still, and yet, each step unearths a novelty, a surprise wrapped in the garb of the mundane, each moment a revelation. But does this voyage stretch on in perpetuity, a terminus or but a siren's call, luring me forever onwards? The path, it seems, is endless, as distant and elusive as the sun that bathes our world in ceaseless light. Yet each closer stride makes the luminary orb with an ever more potent radiance, an even brighter gleam of light. Ah, the ever-bright lands of legend, the final stop in the journey. A place where darkness dare not tread, a haven for eternal dreamers, where at the end of life's labyrinthine dance, I shall find my final respite. Far lands of the great, the hallowed sanctum where twilight pauses and dawn takes its unhurried time, in the arms of endless days where the wanderer finds his eternal rest.

Across the multitude of places I have traversed, births have been given to the countless of journals; each entry a testament to my existence, every block the silent guardian of memories that march in with the sting of age. A written witness of my arrival, the keeper of the glory that comes with loss. Years have been gifted to this painstaking task, this art of sculpting in words. A hundredfold and more, the pages that cradle the vibrant visions of tempests and of untouched terrains. Oh, how I long for the halcyon days when I, in my prime, would stride across resplendent lands. Yet now, I stand diminished, an elder worn by the relentless grind of existence. Curious, isn't it, how the endeavor to enshrine memory can morph into a pitiable lament? Once, I held the potent power of prose, the magic to breathe life into my yesteryears. Yet now, these words are as bronze effigies: admired, yes, but bereft of the warmth of freshness. They stand immovable, frozen in time, locked in a tableau of lost vivacity!

Look what I have become? Draped in gilded finery, a bloated ego adorned with endless titles, yet the purpose of the journey has been misplaced, dissolved in the dune sea of bygone. Behold those endeavors of the earliest days, once vibrant and flowing, yet swallowed by the river of gold; hammered into the stone monoliths of memory to inspire awe in myself and those who come after me. The wanderer I once was has been shackled by the merciless chains of time. My gaze, once set on the horizon, has shifted; riveted to the destination, while the journey, the panorama, the very essence of the voyage, blurs into insignificance. My vision, once entranced by the vibrancy of life, has been dulled, ruined by the spoils of my position. The morph, it would be, into an aged sovereign, who, once a valiant defender of his realm's honor, has fallen prey to the siren's song of material wealth. My once robust spirit, now worn thin, echoes the sighs of a journey forgotten.

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