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Neon Rain

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1 min read · Aug 28, 2022


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Those glimmerings of light, traces under the night…
Striking through winds, dancing as raindrops.
Drizzles that aren’t wet, rains that aren’t cold;
But they are the arrows that stab me so hard,
A burst of flame that combusts my heart:
They are the neon rain, rain of light.
Neon rain, neon light;
Falling rain, falling light.
Sights that seek through, sights that are obscured;
A thousand reflections of purity,
A fundamental comprehension.
Ah, there arises the question:
One among a thousand, a thousand aside the lights;
One that falls lurked behind the neon rain.
How absurd, for a thousand reflections undertaken!
Hence would one reveal but half of one’s self,
The other half sealed within his own,
Within the neon rain.