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Evening Resolution

“Flames shall dance anew!”
Eunoe's Profile


1 min read · Mar 28, 2024


I dwell in the realm of contrast and contradiction, ever as I've been,
Under distant skies that stretch far, beckoning stars summon me hence!
The moon ascends, encircled by a misty shroud, yearning in its orbit round.
Once more, and for the final time, I summon thee; I plea for elevation!
Shall I ascend to the heavens; streetlamps chart paths of glowing coils.
It is either heaven or hell. The tangible fades into void,
For my gaze pierces higher beyond the clouds than the earth beneath.
Grant me this departure, for reality bears no mercy.
A mere miscalculation brings about a downfall;
The Curse of Calamity revisits after three long winters!
I have, at last, embraced my destiny, alongside the ruins of magnificence now fallen;
Structures crumble! Dreams are ground to dust, lost to the wind.
I must acknowledge my swift downfall, yet believe in eventual redemption,
“Flames shall dance anew!”
Yet, ensnared in misery, I find the passage of time a formidable foe to best.
With the heart of a warrior, even the bravest face their nemesis in defeat.
The path exists, yet agony endures.
Through fall, winter, and another spring, I will tread once more the path misstepped;
I disown my precipitous defeat.