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Evening Prayer

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2 min read · Mar 27, 2024


Bring me one thing, and evermore I’ll stand,
Transformed at once into a decent man.
With mind so pure and heart untouched by scorn,
In decency wrapped, with noble aspirations born.
Lord, if you hear my solemn night-time pleas,
Know I've washed away my past’s diseased ease;
Renounced the darkness, all twisted deeds undone,
"Into oblivion's abyss, darkness, begone.
I claim the light, my rightful place once more!"
My heart, for days too long, has felt sore,
Seeking springs of revival, pure and true,
From Eunoe’s river, a renewal’s due,
Cleansing my soul of darkest history’s lore.

A cave’s dweller, a bargainer of fate,
Humbly, for another chance, I do wait.
Take from my years, whatever the cost may soar!
I plead, O Father, end this Calamitous score;
For three winters’ turns, it's worn my core,
Blizzards’ breath steals my essence, more and more.
Gone is my light, my creative spark dead;
Should fortune’s favor on me once more be shed,
No longer a specter in the living’s dread;
A flood of tears, the grim past will head
Away from this vessel, too long it’s fed.

I’ll rise anew, decency my creed,
With actions kind, and motives bright, indeed;
Bathing in life's sunlight, I’ll heed
The call to embrace beauty’s every bead.
The slightest change, in my mind will seed
Journeys through wonderlands, my spirit freed,
With will rekindled, my own self to lead
And witness, reborn from the decreed.
For this grace, I pray, I plead.