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And the clouds dissipated

The beginning of a journey...
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2 min read · May 3, 2022


Cover of And the clouds dissipated

And the clouds dissipated,
All of a sudden,
A gradual sudden.

Fractured, minor, asunder.
Had the crawlers been staring for long:
Snakes had ceased to creep, gazing the painted firmament;
Lizards had remained, preoccupied by the many drawings beyond;
Hundreds of heads had lifted, hundreds unmoved;
Until the clouds dissipated.

Waned, faded, vanished.
Had the birds been pursuing for long:
Falcons had dashed, toward the magnificence from down and afar;
Eagles had ascended, approaching the hazed mist over their own;
Thousands of feathered ones, drawing anear;
Until the clouds dissipated.

And the clouds dissipated,
How suddenly a sudden!
How gradual a sudden!
How had the clouds floated afar,
Unwitnessed by the thoughtless ones!
Thus appears the cleared sky.

But, my friend, where have the creatures gone?
Intangible, have the scaled crawlers sunk into the deep ground,
The ground of filthy dirt and mud,
As their unwiseness are.
Invisible, have the feathered fliers dove into the endless welkin,
Pointless, unaimed,
As their unfeeling are.
Begone, beings of unwisdom!
To your land of born, the farther-away!
There, many clouds will be observed,
Many skies painted.
Begone, beings of unwisdom!
To your realm of ecstasy, the very afar!
There, you will relish,
Unknowingly enjoyed.

But, my friend, where has the thinker gone?
Thinker of thoughts, thinker of dreams.
Had he not noticed the dissipation of clouds,
He would have been meditating
Over the lands of his own.
Unaware of the gradual sudden,
The man has born the most knowledge.
And he knows, or will know, the change up above.

And the firmament speaks to him,
‘Go, my friend!
Shall you not stay for long!
Wear up the hallowed robes of white,
And set out for your journey!
Where there will be many scenes,
Where there will be many inspirations.’

And the wiseman replies to the firmament,
‘Bless you, my friend!
You are the firmament of the clouds,
The light of stars.
You are the leader among many sages,
Showing me the path to know.
Wherever I step on,
The sky lights bright,
Of azure and blue,
Cleared, or clouded.
And I will find my journey,
Upon which I will ascend;
My soul will ascend.’

And the clouds dissipated.